Covid-19: We are remaining open for business
The concerns about the global pandemic were taken into consideration and we've determined that not much action was needed. All products are already wiped and cleaned before being shipped, so nothing needed to change there. Our production is fairly well segmented, so not many people are in each area, and most of our work is done with our hands, so gloves, respirators, and other equipment were already in place. Hands are already washed before meal breaks and leaving because they tend to get dirty around here, which is also reason for people not to touch their face. And finally, we've always offered paid time off, in the event an employee does show symptoms, they will be compensated to stay home and not spread it.
As a result, we've decided that operations will continue mostly as normal and we will keep everyone employed, but we are doing a few small things. We've decided to cut overtime hours temporarily in the hopes the time spent not working extra will help keep everyone healthier. We've reminded everyone of the cover your cough posters we have around and to cough and sneeze into their shoulders or elbows rather than their hands. Also we are wiping down commonly used items in the office area like the copy machines.
Otherwise, we are filling orders as normal and ready to help enhance your staycation with a grill. We will continue to do so until delivery companies decide to shut down. Stay safe, stay healthy, this whole thing should be over in a few weeks, hopefully sooner rather than later
-Best Hot Store & Rasmussen Gas Logs and Grills team